Encroach - definição. O que é Encroach. Significado, conceito
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O que (quem) é Encroach - definição

Encroach; Encroachment (disambiguation); Enroachment

v. (d; intr.) to encroach on, upon (to encroach on smb.'s territory)
¦ verb (encroach on/upon) gradually intrude on (a person's territory, rights, etc.).
?advance gradually beyond expected limits.
encroacher noun
encroachment noun
ME (in the sense 'seize'): from OFr. encrochier 'seize, fasten upon', from en- 'in, on' + crochier (from croc 'hook').
(encroaches, encroaching, encroached)
If one thing encroaches on another, the first thing spreads or becomes stronger, and slowly begins to restrict the power, range, or effectiveness of the second thing. (FORMAL)
The new institutions do not encroach on political power...
The movie industry had chosen to ignore the encroaching competition of television.
VERB: V on/upon n, V-ing [disapproval]
If something encroaches on a place, it spreads and takes over more and more of that place. (FORMAL)
The rhododendrons encroached ever more on the twisting drive...
I turned into the dirt road and followed it through encroaching trees and bushes.
VERB: V on n, V-ing



Encroachment is to advance beyond proper limits, and may refer to:

  • Temporal encroachment
  • Structural encroachment
  • Encroachment (gridiron football), a penalty in American and Canadian football
  • Encroachment by human populations on natural spaces that causes habitat fragmentation or habitat destruction
Exemplos de pronúncia para Encroach
1. encroach upon that territory.
When Violence is The Answer _ Tim Larkin _ Talks at Google
2. We're allowing absurdity to encroach,
Tech Humanism - The Meaningful Future _ Kate O'Neill _ Talks at Google
3. And then they encroach on the facts.
4. As we continue to encroach into wilderness
Dr. Cassandra Coburn _ Enough _ Talks at Google
5. So what happens is the not me starts to encroach.
Everything is Workable - A Zen Approach to Conflict Resolution _ Diane Hamilton _ Talks at Google
Exemplos do corpo de texto para Encroach
1. They‘re tough and knotted and they encroach on the landing.
2. Uncontacted tribes are usually discovered when loggers and ranchers encroach on their territories.
3. Islam does not allow anything to encroach on its basic belief in Gods oneness.
4. Judge James Munley said such laws encroach on federal powers and violate rights to due process.
5. He also has opposed Bush administration security measures that he says encroach on civil liberties.